July 2011 trip with Fox River Christian Church, Waukesha

Hey all,

Another update though we uploaded some of the photos to FB directly already we didn't get all of them up so I thought I'd update a little on the last trip. 

Went in July with by daughter Brooklyn and her friend Josie.  We had a great time.   Spent a lot of time in the schools that Fox River church in Waukesha runs doing activities with the kids and going out into the village to see how the people there live.  It was graet to see some of the qualities that drive me nuts in Brooklyn being but to good use teaching and interacting with a lot of kids (over 100) at one time teaching them English and other fun things.    Josie saw it for the first time and I think she was really enjoyed spending time with kids and they  both realize how much they have to be grateful for here at home and they are motivated to do better in school so they can be the best they can be and share that with the rest of the world whereever that might be in the future.  They both w ould like to do about but probably on a more medical mission type trip as they both right now would like to go into the medical field.  But their only in 8th grade so who knows where that will lead.  

The girls also wrote a bible study and some other presentations to share with Tiwi academy on south coast.  Learned a lot about their school system and what they want to be when they grow up and we shared the same with them.   The bible study was about being the light of the world and over taking the darkness.  They wrote it themselves and presented it very well.   Then we gave everyone at the school sun glasses and they were so grateful.   They were new to them.  They didn't know what they were but they loved them. 

We also got a chance to relax on safari and saw lots of animals - giraffes, elephants, lions, zebras and lots of other up close and personal.   

I got a chance to meet with my adoption partners a lawyer Vicky and psychologist Helen and we were able to get to open a bank account and get a logo started and set up our first meeting with a community group to start the education process about domestic adoption.  It is very exciting. They did the first meeting and it went well.   So for now I will be staying here in the States and working on funding sources and a lot of other administrative type things and sending all the money I would have spent to travel there to my partners to get copies together and pay for the expenses for the organization.   I cannot wait to see what God will do through this.   It's very exciting.  

Working on fund raising efforts for the school and a probably offering a mission trip through Operation Give Hope (check them out on FB) to the south coast.   The would be for people who are not able to go on such a mission trip with their church like we are so lucky to be able to do at Fox River Church.   If your interested helping in any way, let me know.

So till next time!



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