Carries life in Kenya: Now What?: Sorry it’s been so long for the “last”, I have been doing a lot of soul searching and praying trying to get more focus on what God wants m...
JUNE 2012 BLOG Financial Worries – They Are Never What They Seem In our last travels we talked about all the work we were doing with the children of Kenya. The work in developing sponsorship programs for our Operation Give Hope schools in Kenya. Visiting and helping with various projects at government ...
Saturday, March 31, 2012 Great start of the day with a run down to the beach. I made good running time, and did it all by myself which is a miracle. For those of you that don ’ t know, I HATE to run. That is a whole different journey that God has me on, training for a half marathon. I ’ ve always been a walking fan. Walking is the same as running as long as you do it long enough was always my motto, but since I started running in December, I can honestly say that is definitely not true. Running is so much more. I hate it, but it is so much better for me than walking or any other type of exercise. It is a great way to clear your head, tone your body, and increase your energy even if you are miserable even thinking about it! When I got to the beach, looking out over the ocean there was a peace. If God can take care of keeping the oceans where they need to be, He can take care of my small problems, even if they seem large to me ...
FIRST PICTURE - KIDS AT VIPINGO WAITING FOR ACTIVITIES. SECOND PICTURE A SMALL EXAMPLE OF SOME OF THE SHANZU BAGS THAT WE ARE SELLING TO RAISE MONEY TO PURCHASE LAND TO BUILD A PREGNANCY CRISES CENTER. TIME TO RECHARGE Sunday, June 24, 2012 Got up late, through was up at 5am originally, got out of bed at 8:15am. Pam and I headed right down to the ocean with her journal and my morning readings. Such a relaxing time and place with the Indian ocean being so beautiful and just awesome. It ’ s high tide so can hear waves like you ’ re in the ocean. Then ate breakfast with the quieter part of the group which was nice. Then off to church at Crossroads Nyali. It is a church just like our church, Fox River in the states, contemporary through Fox River is at least 10 times louder with their music, it's not your normal church. That was great to see lots and lots of people I knew there and to recharge. ...
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