Now What?

Sorry it’s been so long for the “last”, I have been doing a lot of soul searching and praying trying to get more focus on what God wants me to do and how He wants me to do it.   More on that later, for now, here is what I wrote right after my return.  I will post a more in the next few weeks.  I’m leaving again on June 13 to work with Fox River Christian Church on reaching out to Bomani and Vipingo. 

I am hoping to get back to Kenya in November 2012 for International Adoption month, if I can raise the funds that quickly as I am still raising the funds for the summer trip.  Hopefully I can find someone to come with me too.   Someone that has done a lot to make things happen in Kenya is getting married in Kenya in November which is another reason I hope to come back then.  That visit we will visit orphanages further up in Northern Kenya and also get into the hospitals to get at some of that corruption of withholding babies for bribes, visit Nairobi and Kibera again, and do a few adoption events as November is internationally known as adoption month. Here is hoping to hoping for great fund raising efforts, and lots of community education opportunities for the people of Kenya.  If you are interested in helping, please let me know it is a tax deductible donation to “Operation Give Hope”.  Any amount is so helpful.  

Back at home.  I’m finally starting to sleep through the night; it’s only been a week or two.  Kenya is 8 hours different and with all the travel, the emotional struggling of seeing and leaving, makes it hard to get adjusted back home.  We have so much here and we take all of it for granted.  Food, shelter, clean water, running water, a fridge, so, so much and it is hard to come back.  It’s hard to come back and walk into Wal-Mart where we have 80 choices on what T-shirt we want to buy for $20 bucks, knowing that that $20 could feed a child for a full month, a child who without that $20 will not eat at all.   Having the luxury of a thousand choices on what food we want to buy knowing we will have quite enough and then some and knowing most of the world does not have that luxury. I mean the luxury of even eating at all, let alone, eating whatever it is they want.  Our life “struggles” here in the US seems so miss-placed.  Understanding that not everyone lives the same as I do and people do struggle in the US to feed their children, but they also have food banks and food stamps and other church and governmental funds to help that they do not have in Kenya.

Sue and I will be starting Kenya Tuesdays at my house starting April 24.  We will meet at 6:30 every Tuesday to come together to work on various issues regarding Kenya.  If you are interested in joining us please do, even if you don't know what you could do.  Or if you would like to help but don’t want or cannot come to the meeting, drop me your email and I can email you the 4 page or more single spaced to do list ranging from organizing a trip over to Kenya, organizing a run/walk to typing up some notes we got from some of the kids, to setting up websites or doing some DVD video work to put up on websites to just praying for Kenya. 

We are all the same inside.  The point of life is to join together in as many ways as we can. I hope to be able to continue that, both in the US and in Kenya.  I also hope to bring as many people as possible along for the journey.  I hope you’ll continue with me on that journey.  Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.   If you haven’t already, if you could click on the “follow me” button on the blog, it could really help me with some future work I may be doing.  


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