Tuesday, April 23, 2012 - Mombasa

Lots of running around today.  Took forever to get out of the house. We sent Rashid to exchange our money.

We went out to the High School near Ingilii School in _____________.  Then we went to see Ingilii to see our first primrary school.  Note to self - all schools are closed in April. But we got to see it. Eve met us there with her daughters Valerie and Adell. They are so cute. Allan and Eve had a baby boy six months ago - Ben.  It was great to see Eve and we set up to see the ladies at work on making the jewelry on Friday.

Then we went to walk through the village around Injilii and we went in a few homes. They were very nice homes.

Did a run to Shanzu to get purses and bags picked up and make sure they are done. They were all done and ready. Very excited to see the ladies again. Shanzu Girl Guides brings disabled women in and houses them and feeds them for several years and teaches them to sew clothes, purses, bags, and so many other things.  Then the purchase them a sewing machine and sends them out on their own to make a living sewing.

Spent a lot of time calling around to set up meetings in with people.

We went to church where they were advertising the run/walk on the stage during the announcements. The sermon was on being joyful during stressful times. It was a good sermon. Very tired though and we were all falling asleep.

Then had a meeting regarding the run/walk with Liz, Benna, Mercy, Joy, and Jayne.

Wednesday, April 25, 2013 Mombasa

Tried to head to Peter and Selpher's baby orphanage in the morning, but traffic was too jammed so we headed out to Mtwapa and George and Mercy at Good Life Center the amazing orphanage that is run like a foster home. It was so great to see them again. I had spent a lot of time with George the last trip and he introduced me to a lot of people.

Then we came back through town and picked up Rose (from the US, married to Paul), Joy and Mercy as we headed toward Peter and Selpher's place. They are located MikkiDonni, on the way toward the airport near all the large containers. They had 2 little baby girls and then a probably 2 year old girl that they had placed with them after a prayer group noticed some dogs barking at 3 am when they were heading home after all night of prayer. It was in December of last year.  They don't know how old she really is, they thought just over 1, but based on her molars and the amount of teeth and her height, she has to be over 2.  Her name is Rose and she was very quiet when she first came but was laughing and cuddling by the time we left. I would love to take her home with me.   Then there was a 4 month old baby girl Delight Flower who was found in a flower bed and brought to their place when she was only days old. She is heading out for adoption in the next week. All of the kids except one there were there last time we where their we adopted out already. The only one left is Gift. Gift is 3-4 years old and has some special needs. He is not talking yet and has an awkward gate. Not sure of the specific problems but they will be getting him into school and hoping for the best for him.

Finally got to the Nakkummatt to get groceries and paper and other stuff we need for our projects this trip.

Then we had an amazing opportunity for a meeting with some very important people in Mombasa. The governor and the deputy governor of the area. They are very interested in funding our mission here. Please pray with us that this works out. They will donate land to use for a few years and then help us find business sponsorships to purchase land and a building to continue the mission. They want to have a reputation of helping the community and Hazel, the Deputy governor thought this was a very unique idea and was very excited to support it.  We don't have all the details yet on how she will support it, but this is the general idea of how they do things according to Allan and Jayne.  She will be coming to our run/walk to flag the runners off and she and her children will be running as well. As if I wasn't nervous enough about the run walk as it was, not we have high ranking government officials present that hold keys to a well funded organization.  Pray with us about that. Very excited and nervous.

Also had a chance to sit down with Jayne and talk about details of the pregnancy crises center and the people that might like to be a part of it and other details.  I will outline that is another post.

I am so amazing at how God works things out. The woman that was going to be donating the land for such a cheap price to us put her land up for sale and couldn't wait any longer for us and then this free options comes our way. Hoping this all works out!


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