day 3

Monday, March 26, 2012

Well, today is filled too.  We started with a meeting with Allan - the person who has been getting me various meetings with government officials and has introduced me to almost everyone that I know here in Kenya outside of the schools.   He is remarkable guy that does so much for the children and churches of Kenya.  He works night and day raising funds, doing business, and brainstorming of better ways to serve the kids.   Well Allan met us at our place at 10am good thing because even that way, I almost overslept.   I was up quite a bit of the night last night and wasn't feeling very well this morning. 

We talked about the status on the adoption work and the possible building purchase for the organization to house our offices as well as a Children's Home down the road.   He suggested that it would be a good way to go.   He also had some suggestions on people to help with the Children's Home in various facets hoping some of that is financially!   Then he exchanged our money for us.   We had a great meeting.    He and his children are doing fine.  He has been very busy with the opening of the high school near his church and school in Ingili.  

Then it was off to town for some supplies we needed.   We got some books for some of our special kids at the school and then Swahili bibles for our woman events later in the week and a few for the orphanages.  It was great to be in the hussle and bussle of the city.  It is exactly like the movies.  Lots of people, cars, and commotion.  We met up with Rashid's brother Albert at the University of Nairobi building in Mombasa.  He is majoring in finance.  It was great to meet him.  

Then we headed back out of town for a stop at Yul's with the Ipad so we could finally connect to the internet!  Wasn't for too long but at least everyone knew we were alive.  One more veggie burger and got a chance to talk with Paul about his story. Paul grew up around Nairobi in a non Christian home.   He accepted Christ at 16 after being present for a drama and then talking with someone after and an amazing story from there.  Paul does so much for Fox Rivers schools and the people that come to visit. Hes a great travel agent!  Paul does great work for the people of Vipingo teens and kids especially.   Thanks Paul!

Then we headed for our next orphanage.  It was way out in the middle of the bush.   Felt a lot like Ribe with lots of hills and valleys and you could see the ocean from a far far distance.   It was beautiful.  It was Baraka Academy located in Mwakiunge. We met with the young house moms at first.  They showed us around the place.  The boys dorm is separated very far from the girls dorm.  They are short on space but full of love.   They have a hard time getting funds for food for the children.   They have education sponsors for all of them.  I want to help them get the cheapest food they can and maybe get food from an aid organization for all the great work they are doing.   They actually take in abuse and neglect cases also from the Department of Children.  

The director met with us.  She was so amazingly organized for every single child.  All the paperwork there and done and in its place.   It was really cool to see.  She was great.  She indicated that some of her children get adopted after doing what she called international fostering.  An Italian family petitioned the court for 1 year with one of the children in Italy.   For 90 days the director went with her for a bonding period in Italy.  Then the court through a process approved her to live there for 1 year.  In 1 year they petitioned the court again and received another year.   After that year they were able to adopted the children.  They had a little trouble in Italy but they were able to get the details worked out and the child is living with them in Italy.  Interested in know more about that.  We are hoping to meet with her lawyer next week.  


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