Day to Day life today

Monday, April 2, 2012

We went downtown this morning and traffic was horrible.  We met with Grace from Little Angel's.  Little Angels is the only adoption agency currently working in Mombasa at all, but they are not directly connected with any babies at this point.   Little Angels is probably moving back to Nairobi soon as they cannot warrant having the office there as not enough adoptions are happening.  She gave suggestions on how to educate the police and hospitals and gave feedback on the adoption event.  She also gave us a listing of the Children's Homes she has been working with and trying to get adoptions through.  It was a great meeting, we learned so much and got so much information. 

Then we quickly met with Hellen at the bank to sign the card so I'm on the account after getting pass port photos in a small booth up the road which was interesting.   Then we went to the wood carvers shop which is right by the airport.  It was hotter than ever in there.  We bought a few things to sell back home to raise money for the Children's Home, hopefully we will find a place and opportunity to do that either online or in person somewhere.  Not sure how God will work out.  Then we moved on to Alan's office for  the transportation business to pick up Eve's jewelry to do the same with.  Then we went to Shanzu for really cool bathroom, purse and other types of bags to sell too. 

Alans daughter was in hospital with a fever from Sunday morning through Tuesday.  Wednesday Alan indicated that she was doing better.  We were not able to see the last property because of that but he will be working with Vicky and Hellen directly on land issues while I'm gone.   Also, God had another plan for tomorrow other than looking at empty land. 

We stopped at Yul's for WIFI and lunch.  Shopping took a little long so we were almost late to meet up with Paul for our last orphanage visit with him.  We went into the slum area of Mombasa visit with Violet who runs an orphanage, a primary school, and a high school. The facility is called New Hope - in Mschoroni.   There is not a lot of Christian influence here.  Violet indicated to us she had 44 boys and 13 girls in the orphanage.  We asked why such a disparity and she indicated the girls are not interested in education.  They have no role models for it. They run away to find "boyfriends" on the beach.  Really sexual slavery is what they end up in or prostitution at best. The high school has similar numbers and none of the high school girls come from the orphanage.

 They need to have more teaching about God in the orphanage and also about girls staying in school.  Penninah and Liz are going to go there with some of their friends to share their stories to encourage the girls there. I also want to go back and do education at school and orphanage.

Nakumatt for water which we needed last night actually!   We ran into Hellen unexpectedly.   Rashid found us a small restaurant for hombres (small triangle dounuts) and Chapatis (flat bread thats better than Noodles) traditional Kenyan foods, finally.  We are only one week into the trip I guess weve been focused on things other than food.  For the most part we have eaten beans and rice almost every day at  home!

Then we went to say goodbye to Bobby and give him an update on the orphanage stuff and the baby orphanage we found.  Bobby always has all his stories which are so fun to hear and then the power went out so we ended up only saying a few short things and he had to deal with the generator problem. 

Then we came back to the Hornes place and went swimming very quickly and then off to bed.   


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