Another day gone by in Kenya

October 11, 2010

The first full day in Kenya and it was great.   Really spent the time exchanging money, buying groceries, and getting things ready for the next few weeks. Lots of emailing and phone calling to get things settled.    Had time to get a massage and Kristen and I got our toes done.    Now we are going to work on our Beth Moore Believing God bible study and go to sleep because we have to be up at 5 to get to the south coast for the next two days.  We will be working with Tiwi and Perani.    I will be doing my first stranger danger presentation so pray for the kids understanding.

Also, my kids will be going to a funeral on Tuesday for a dear aunt of mine.   She was suffering from lung cancer.  They gave her six months to live 3 years ago.  We will miss her dearly, but she had a great last few years.  Lots of traveling and time to say goodbye.    My kids will be going to the funeral without me and the last funeral they were at was their dad's 3 years ago so please pray for them and my mom (it was her sister).   

I will try to check in tomorrow.   


  1. I am SO glad you made it there safely and actually had a little 'down' time before really getting to work.

    Hope you gave Kristen my big HUG!!!

    Did you ever find that folder and paperwork you couldn't locate before you left?

  2. Carrie, I'm so glad you have a blog! How great to have some down time before you get really busy. Getting your toes done is perfect! I'm so sorry about your aunt and that your kids are doing this without you. I pray they handle it all well. I'm looking forward to hearing about your time there. Brenda

  3. Hey Carrie--I will be praying for you--and your kids as they go to the funeral. Praying for your presentation. Trust God to give you the words. Say HI to Kristen for me!

  4. Carrie - Wow, I didn't know you were going to be in Kenya; but I know you have a heart for the country and the children. My prayers for you and Kristen - God will be working through you both I'm sure. He is keeping you safe, strong and shining the light. Love you guys!

  5. Thanks everyone for your great words and encouragement. Kristen says hello and sends her love.


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