October 20, 1010 a great day

Wow.   That's all I can say about today.   It was staff appreciation day.   First of all it started off with Kristen and I being late.  In Kenya?    I know, apparently we didn't get the memo and everyone on holidays is early for parties one hour early so we left the house rushing, rushing to get to the staff appreacation day at a beautiful butterfly park with nature trails and lots of different types of trees.   It was a very, very, very hot day.  Even the Kenyans thought it was hot.  

Once we got there and got everyone one there we divided all the staff from Injili, Bomani, Vipingo, and one other school into 10 teams.  There were 90 people there.   They each had to come up with a logo for their team and a team name.    They had to use coins to make a logo.  It was f un to watch the originality they came up with.    Then they headed off to the nature trail for some excercise and a kind-of scavenger hunt.  They had a lot of fun on the trails interacting and getting to know their team more.   Then we came back and I read a letter from Pastor Guy encouraging them and Bobby gave a sermon on working together and valuing everyones job.    Then we ate lunch and mingled with each other.   Then we played a game were everyone had to go around and write something nice about as many people as they could on the name tag.  The name tag was on their back so they didn't know what the comments were until later when we had them turn the cards around and read the nice comments about themselves.   Paul did a great job hosting the event getting every engergized and excited about the events.   

When the staff were leaving we heard many comments about how they will never forget this day and it was very special to them.   Which brings tears to my eyes.  Something we have take place quite often in America will be a day they will NEVER forget.   Very sobering. 

I wish to also pass along well wishes and gratitude for the sacrificing that we in America do to pay their salaries and to support the schools.  They very, very much appreciate it and send their thanks and they pray for Fox River and for all the supporters daily and weekly.   Know that you are appreciated, loved, and prayed for often.  Thanks to all who support and if you don't support yet I would greatly encourage you to become a part of changing the world with only $20 per month.   It's an amazing feeling I wish you could all be here to feel the energy of God working at these schools, it is indescribable, it is God.   There's really no more to say than that except - come join God at work.  



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