Another day gone by in Kenya

October 13, 2010 - Wednesday

Well as another day is coming to a close in Kenya tonight I write again.   We went back to the same two schools we were at yesterday because so many kids were absent especially from the Tumani school.    We got almost all the kids photos and height and weight info done.  Now we just have input it into the computer.   That will be our night time job for the next few days and most of the day Saturday and Sunday afternoon.   I couldn't help but cry on the way to Tumaini thinking they are greatful to God for dirty water while I sit at home and buy pretty much anything I want and eat anything I want and drink anything I want without thinking about it.  They are praising God for dirty sewer water.   That is completely heartbreaking and gives a lot of perspective.  

Anyway, at the schools the kids were so cute and we got a little chance to interact with them more today.  Pastor Daniel  at Perani had all the kids ready that were absent and things only took a few minutes there.  Then at Tumaini the teachers helped get the heights and weights of the many kids that were absent the day before and Kristen and I worked on the photos and it was great that they were so organized and helpful.   We are praying for the teachers there - Joseph, John, Josephine, Johnson, Sulma and Pastor Steven.    

Then we did the one hour drive to Tiwi and did the stranger danger presentation.  That is the largest school and has 8th graders.  I was a bit nervous, but I think it turned out ok.  A little short but interactive and had time for questions which were interesting!       I just pray God will use it to help anyone who needs it.  

Then we headed home through no traffic at 4:00 which is amazing - had dinner and did our Beth Moore bible study and got prepared for tomorrow.  

Tomorrow I am off to meet with Vicky - the lawyer in Kenya.  We will be going to court and then meeting with a counselor at a large orphanage in Mombosa called Little Angels Orphanage.   I would encourage you to look at their website it is quite good.   I learned lot from that site.  It was started by a few Christian working ladies that wanted to make a difference in the community.   All the details on the site.     Then we will get prepared for the staff appreciation day we are having for the school staff of Ingili, Bomani, Vipingo and Chris Moore's new school stay.  It is very exciting to hopefully re-energize the staff and give them some good food, some fun (games, scavenger hunt) and some good words from Bobby (yes Pat - Bobby will be there!)  

Miss you all.  Thank you so much for following and praying.  Kristen and I prayed for you all last night!   See you tomorrow!



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